What are Masseter Muscles?

The masseter muscles are responsible for mastication (chewing). It is a powerful group of muscles that aid in the elevation and protrusion of the lower jaw. When Botox is injected into the master muscles, it helps relax that muscle. The outcome is a slimmer jawline for cosmetic purposes sometimes referred to as “Jaw Botox”. A medical benefit of injecting Botox into the muscles is to relieve the pain that arises from clenching and grinding teeth, usually a culprit of stress and TMJ disorder. Overuse of the masseter muscle as in the case of constant gum chewing and teeth grinding (Bruxism) can cause the masseters to grow in size and strength. When this happens, people complain of headaches and jaw pain. Botox injections in the masseters will cause the muscle to reduce in size (atrophy) and as a result alleviate pain and give a slimmer jawline. A slimmer jawline is a cosmetic benefit that women seek out to achieve a more V-shaped face.

The Process of masseter botox injectionS

Upon consultation, the masseter muscles will be evaluated by asking the patient to clench their teeth. The medical professional will then place their hands on both masseter muscles to feel the strength of the muscles. Based on the degree of hypertrophy (enlargement), the number of Botox units will be determined. On average 40-60 units total are required for this area to alleviate pain and/or to slim the jawline to achieve a V-shaped face.  After injection, it will take up to 2 weeks to visually and therapeutically see results. 

How Long Do masseter botox injection TREATMENTS Last?

Due to the fact that the masseter muscles are utilized for chewing, the Botox injections will last anywhere from 3-6 months based on how severe the pain was in the first place. Everyone is different and the strength and severity will determine longevity of Botox. 

best Masseter or "Jaw Botox" Gallery


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